Grouped odd even in table loop

This is how you can override Drupal 6 theme table using odd/even and let theme('table'...) group table rows by an ID (in this case by 'nid') and apply odd and even on the groups.


= 0;
    foreach (
$status as $key =--> $m) {
$last_nid != $m['nid']){
$last_nid = $m['nid'];
      if (
$r % 2) {
$oddeven = "odd-grp";
      } else {
$oddeven = "even-grp";

$status_out[] = array('data' =&gt; array(l($m['nid'], 'node/'.$m['nid']),
'class' =&gt; $oddeven);

$tableHeaders = array('nid', 'mid', 'Level', 'Status', 'Nbr');
$out .= "<h3>" . t('Exisitng working queue status') . "</h3>";
$out .= theme('table', $tableHeaders, $status_out);

table tr
.odd-grp {
background-color: #eef3f1;

table tr.even-grp {
background-color: #ffffff;
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