Linux commands

Some Linux commands that I use and find practical to have online for my own purpose. If you need a Linux command library check out

#Update Linux search index if you are unsure if the index is up to date

#Find processes as begin with "search" (search*)
ps auxxw|grep search
#Rename a file or folder by moving it
mv oldfile.txt newfilename.txt
#Execute commands as another user

#Restart Apache
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

sudo -s
//The -s (shell) option runs the shell specified by the SHELL environment variable if it is set or the shell as specified in passwd.
#Run Sphinx indexer
/usr/local/bin/indexer --all --rotate
#Change ownership to a folder and its files recursive
chown owner:group -R /home/httpd/mysite/sites/all/themes/mytheme
#Change permission on a file
chmod 755 /home/nfs/mysite/www/sites/all/themes/mytheme/page-news.tpl.php
#move a folder tree
mv /home/orjan/mytheme/ /home/httpd/mysite/sites/all/themes/mytheme
#Remove the folder "mytheme" and all its content
rm -r /home/httpd/mysite/sites/all/themes/mytheme
-f = force
-r = recursive
-v verbose //Show what program do
#Edit your php settings
nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
#Make backup from MySQL database
mysqldump --user=root --password="xyz" mydatabase > /home/myfolder/mybackupfile.sql
mysqldump --user=root --password=xyz mydatabase table1 table2 > /home/myfolder/mybackupfile.sql

gunzip -c /path/backup.Sql.Gz | mysql -h[database host - usually localhost] -u[username] -p[password] [database-name]

mysqldump -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD -databases DATABASENAME1 DATABASENAME2 | gzip -9 > DATAFILE.sql.gz

#Log in to a mysql database
mysql -u username -p databasename
#Size of folder
du en mapps storlek
du -h (h= human readable)
#Create a folder
mkdir /home/myfolder/newfolder
#Some copying notes
cp -r  /mnt/nfs/mysite/files/logos/* /home/orjan/logos
cp -pr /mnt/nfs/mysite/www/sites/all/themes/* /var/www/mysite/sites/all/themes/
cp -pr /mnt/nfs/mysite/www/sites/all/modules/* /var/www/mysite/sites/all/modules/

#Copying folder "atck" to "themes". -pr = copy permission as well
cp -pr /mnt/nfs/mysite/www/sites/all/themes/atck /var/www/mysite/sites/all/themes/

#Copying from mounted server by remove, copy and list it
rm -r /var/www/mysite/sites/all/themes/atck
cp -pr /mnt/nfs/mysite/www/sites/all/themes/atck /var/www/mysite/sites/all/themes/
ls -l /var/www/mysite/sites/all/themes/atck
#View server processes

#View tasks

#gzip - zip files

Compress a folder xyz recursive to a file called xyz_yyy.gz
-r recursive
-c standard out, meaning saving the original folder and make a compressed copy

gzip -cr xyz > xyz_yyy.gz

#tar - compress a file
tar -cvf to_file.tar from_folder/.
tar -czf nytt.tgz nytt/.

#fold and compress
tar -cvf to_file.tar from_folder/.
gzip to_file.tar

fold and compress in the same command
tar -zcvf the_new_file.tar.gz /path_to/folder_to_be_compressed

    z = compress the archive through gzip
    c = create a new archive
    v = verbose which means list the progress while creating the archive
    f = use archive file
#Unzip files
gunzip imagepicker-6.x-2.1.tar.gz //removes zip-file, leave a tar-file
tar -xvf imagepicker-6.x-2.1.tar  //Unpacks tar-file in a folder
rm imagepicker-6.x-2.1.tar        //Removes tar-file

watch -n 1 uptime\;mysqladmin --user=root --password=xyz--verbose processlist

#Who is in the group
cd /etc
pico group
[groupname]:x:1001:user1, user2, user3
#Search among my latest used commands
Ctrl R + start typing something you know is in the command your looking for and suggestions will show up. When you find the one just press enter and it will be executed again.

#Cron via crontab
crontab -e edit
crontab -l list

min hour dayofmonth monthofyear dayofweek command
0-59/2 * * * * /usr/bin/wget -O - -q -t 1  > /dev/null 2>&1

Append string >/dev/null 2>&1 to stop mail alert:
0 1 5 10 * /path/to/ >/dev/null 2>&1
0 1 5 10 * /path/to/ &> /dev/null

Crontab syntax
field allowed values
----- --------------
minute 0-59

hour 0-23

day of month 1-31

month 1-12 (or names)

day of week 0-7 (0 or 7 is Sun, or use names)

# Restart cron
/etc/init.d/crond restart

# Read log file in runtime

tail -f /var/log/mysystem/log.txt
tail -n50 /var/log/mysystem/log.txt   - last 50 lines
datevar=`date +%Y-%m-%d`

echo "# Doing mysql backup...."
[ -f /backup/new/backup.sql ] && rm /backup/new/backup.sql || echo ""
mysqldump -u root -pXYZ --all-databases > /backup/new/backup.sql

echo "# Doing /hotel filesystem backup..."
[ -f /backup/new/hotel.tar ] && rm /backup/new/hotel.tar || echo ""
tar cf /backup/new/hotel.tar /hotel/.

echo "# Compressing files into one dated file..."
[ -f /backup/new.tar ] && rm /backup/new.tar || echo ""
tar cf /backup/new.tar /backup/new/*
mv /backup/new.tar /backup/$newfile

Upload file to another server
scp /home/httpd/xyz/my_mod/my_mod.module  orjan@

Keep date updated
apt-get install ntpdate

add to crontab:
* */2 * * * /usr/sbin/ntpdate -s > /dev/null

Track processes
apt-get install strace
strace -p<PID>

in HTOP you just navigate with up/down arrows and press s

Change timezone on Debian
and select from suggestions

ln -s /hotel/global/.htaccess .htaccess

install php extention apt-get install php5-imap

sudo apt-get install htop

kill multiple processes

first try filtering by:
ps -ef | grep a_string_i_want_to_kill
ps -ef | grep phpmyAdmin

then try filtering out the process id:s:
ps -ef | grep a_string_i_want_to_kill | awk '{print $2}'
ps -ef | grep phpmyAdmin | awk '{print $2}'

then execude the kill command:
kill -9 `ps -ef | grep a_string_i_want_to_kill| awk '{print $2}'`
kill -9 `ps -ef | grep phpmyAdmin | awk '{print $2}'`

Knowledge keywords: